Kiara W. is the 2017 Youth of the Year from Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County. She has been a Club member for ten years and is involved in SMART Girls and Keystone Club. Kiara is class president and plays on the varsity basketball team.#NJYOY

We are so proud of you, Kiara!


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Catch Up with the Club
  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.