Ebony first came to the Club when she was 12 years old, having learned about it through a basketball program at the Asbury Park Middle School. Ebony was encouraged by the coaches to take advantage of all of the programs the Club had to offer. She did…and she was hooked!

Ebony joined our staff after high school. She moved through the ranks, became full time in 2013, and is now the Unit Director in Red Bank. Ebony describes the Club as a place “where kids get a life-changing experience, whether through friends, the staff, or the programs.” She notes that the staff has enormous love and respect for the kids and for the community; they make sure the kids have eaten a full dinner before going home, they have a place to go even when school is closed, and most importantly, they are prepared for the future!

Ebony Holloway

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Catch Up with the Club
  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.