This article originally appeared in The Asbury Park Press. You can read the full article here.

ASBURY PARK – Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County staffers gathered together for their quarterly staff meeting in mid-January 2020 when they first heard the motto the club would adopt for the year.

Whatever it takes.

The 100 or so staffers — most of whom work part-time — embraced the message wholeheartedly. Some were once Boys & Girls Club members themselves, and they would do whatever it took to connect with the children who walk through their doors in Asbury Park, Red Bank and satellite programs across Monmouth County.

They didn’t realize at the time that “whatever it takes” in 2020 would mean masks, temperature checks and frequently cleaning their sites to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Nor did they know “whatever it takes” meant dramatically changing how their club operates, to go fully remote with their programming, and then expanding their hours to be a daytime remote learning center rather than an after-school center.

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Catch Up with the Club