This month, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County was honored to host the second annual Black Family Wellness Expo at our Asbury Park Unit, a vibrant day dedicated to health, education, and community solidarity. In partnership with the esteemed Jersey Shore Chapter of The Links, Inc, and our incredible network of community partners, we came together to address and spotlight health issues that disproportionately affect the Black community.

The expo was not just an event; it was a gathering of minds, hearts, and resources, all aimed at empowering families with the knowledge and tools for better health and well-being. From educational workshops to health screenings, the day was filled with opportunities for meaningful engagement and support.

We extend our deepest gratitude to everyone involved for making the Black Family Wellness Expo a resounding success. It’s through such collaborative efforts that we can make a lasting impact, fostering a healthier, stronger community for all.

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Catch Up with the Club
  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.