The story of the Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA) traces back to a visionary moment in 1860 by three remarkable women in Hartford, Connecticut—Mary Goodwin, Alice Goodwin, and Elizabeth Hammersley. Concerned about boys who lacked constructive activities and wandered the streets, these women founded the first Boys & Girls Club. Their mission was clear and profound: to provide a positive alternative that would shape character, capture interests, and guide boys towards setting higher personal expectations and goals.

This pioneering initiative laid the foundation for what would become a nationwide cause, dedicated to nurturing young minds and fostering a sense of purpose and community. From this humble beginning, the BGCA has grown into a robust network, offering a safe haven and a beacon of hope for young individuals across the country.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County is proud to continue this legacy, ensuring that every child has access to opportunities that can significantly alter their life trajectory for the better.

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