As I entered the heart of Washington D.C. earlier this year, my aim was clear. As the lead delegate for the state of New Jersey during the Boys & Girls Clubs’ National Days of Advocacy, I would be engaging in conversations with lawmakers to champion the legislative priorities that benefit Monmouth County’s young people.  

For over 85 years, the Boys & Girls Club has served as a beacon of hope in Monmouth County, providing safe places where young minds are nurtured to reach their fullest potential. Our Clubhouses are more than mere facilities; they are the embodiment of a commitment to each child’s future. At the national level, this commitment translates into advocacy for legislative support that can bolster our mission to provide academic recovery, youth well-being, and workforce development.

Concerning academic recovery, we advocated for an allocation of $2.1 billion for the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program and $130 million for the National Youth Mentoring Program. This funding has the power to accelerate academic advancement and skill development in the after-school environment. Through these programs, we don’t just teach; we empower, mentor, and open doors to brighter futures.

Our advocacy efforts extend to the well-being of our youth, emphasizing the dire need for partnerships in addressing youth mental health and supporting the passage of the Summer Meals Act. In 2021 alone, Boys & Girls Clubs nationally provided nearly 56 million healthy, no-cost meals and snacks. These meals are the foundation for healthy, focused learning environments where every child can thrive, free from the distraction of hunger.

Finally, the workforce readiness of our youth is paramount to the economic strength of our nation. That’s why we advocate for the inclusion of $20 million for the Career Pathways for Youth Program and the passage of the Youth Workforce Readiness Act. These initiatives prepare our young people for success in the 21st-century economy and remove the barriers that would keep them from pursuing their career goals. 

Our discussions with key decision-makers in D.C. were pivotal. By sharing personal stories of impact and the transformative power of our Clubs, we not only advocated for policy but for the promise of every child’s future. Our engagement at the national level is a critical component of our strategy to ensure that no child is left behind. It strengthens our resolve and amplifies our voice, demanding that the needs of our youth are heard at the highest levels of government.

As I reflect on my participation in National Days of Advocacy, I am heartened by the strength of our collective voice as we raised awareness about critical youth issues. I will continue this work at the local level here in Monmouth County, ensuring that the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County continues to be a place where potential is nurtured, dreams are encouraged, and futures are bright.  

Doug Signature

Douglas Eagles, CEO

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Catch Up with the Club
  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.