We are thrilled to announce that earlier this year, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County (BGCM) expanded our after-school and summer camp programming into the Asbury Park School District. This expansion from 4 to 7 sites throughout Monmouth County represents a significant step forward in our ongoing mission to provide unparalleled youth development services to the community.

For over 85 years, the Boys & Girls Club has been a cornerstone of the city of Asbury Park. Our long-standing presence is a testament to the trust and respect we have earned from generations of families. We are proud to be a trusted institution, dedicated exclusively to the growth and development of our youth. While many organizations offer a range of services, our commitment is singular and unwavering: we exist to empower and uplift young people.

We are thrilled to bring our comprehensive suite of evidence-based and proven programs to the students of Bradley Elementary, Thurgood Marshall Elementary, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Middle School. Regularly attending programs at the same location where students spend their school day adds a level of consistency and stability that can be particularly beneficial for younger children and those who thrive on routine.

Making Our Own Slime at MLK Middle School
Making Our Own Slime

Our after-school and summer camp programs are designed to provide a safe, nurturing environment where children can explore their interests, develop new skills, and build lasting relationships. A few of the signature programs we administer in the Asbury Park School District include:

SMART Moves – Skills Mastery and Resilience Training (SMART) Moves is a suite of targeted programs and other resources designed to help young people develop healthy decision-making attitudes and skills.

Power Hour – The first hour of programming in the schools is focused on homework help, and parents have reported a higher homework completion rate.

Y-Media – Our innovative Science, Technology, Education, Arts, & Math (STEAM) program teaches various aspects of digital video production, editing, and sound engineering.

By expanding our presence in the Asbury Park School District, we are poised to make an even greater impact on the lives of young people in the area. We are grateful for the community’s ongoing support and look forward to continuing our work together to build a brighter future for Monmouth County’s children.

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