The Boys & Girls Club fills the gap between school and home. We provide welcoming, positive environments in which kids and teens have fun, participate in life-changing programs, and build supportive relationships with peers and caring adults.

Who We Serve

The Club is open to all school-aged youth in Monmouth County. Our primary participants reside in the areas where our units are located, communities that experience high crime, chronic poverty, and unemployment. 96% of our Club members are in a racial minority, 91% come from low-income households, and 74% come from single-parent households.

By Age

of our Club members are Black, Hispanic, Asian, or other people of color
come from low-income households
come from single-parent households

How We Serve

Our college and workforce readiness programs equip our members with the skills and knowledge they’ll need to graduate high school on time with a defined plan for the future.

With youth mental health and wellness at a crisis level nationwide, the Club has adopted a trauma-informed approach to youth development that prioritizes the social and emotional well-being of all members.

The Club serves as a safe haven for our members who often live in neighborhoods plagued by violence, poverty, and food insecurity. Over 45,300 hot, nutritious meals were served at the Club in 2023.

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