We implement Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s programmatic strategy Every Member, Every Year to partner with our young people, parents, schools, and other community stakeholders to implement at least one of three approaches: academic enrichment and school engagement, targeted dropout prevention, and intensive intervention and case management. Our aim is to ensure that all Club members graduate from high school on time, ready for a post-secondary education and a 21st-century career.

Diplomas to Degrees
Our college readiness program provides a range of services to guide Club members as they work toward high school graduation and prepare for post-secondary education and career success.

Summer Brain Gain
Summer Brain Gain is a fun, educational program that aims to prevent summer learning loss and keep kids on track for the coming school year.

Power Hour
POWER HOUR helps Club members achieve academic success by providing homework help, tutoring and high-yield learning activities, and encouraging members to become self-directed learners.

Building Blocks: Engineering our Future
This program was developed in collaboration with Scholastic and Samsung, and includes a series of nine tablet-based activities for middle school-aged youth. As participants progress through the curriculum, they learn more about STEM-based careers and the processes and skills that STEM professionals use.

Do It Yourself STEM brings all the fun of scientific exploration into members hands as they work with peers to create cool artifacts that demonstrate scientific principles!