How were you first introduced to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County?

I was first introduced to the Club in my early teens through a county program that ran at the Asbury Park Clubhouse back in the mid to late seventies. We actually stayed at the Club, similar to a sleepaway camp. We swam, played basketball, and did arts and crafts. The counselors were really an amazing group of people, working with us every day. As a young teen, I realized early on that the Boys & Girls Club could help me become the man I am today. I came back to the Club at the age of 16 and worked there through the remainder of high school as a summer camp counselor, which was an awesome experience for me. My time at the Club as a teen and young adult will always be remembered as both exciting and rewarding.

What motivated you to join the board of directors?

Many years later my involvement with and support for the Club came by way of financial contributions and sponsorships, both personally and through my career. I leveraged the companies and other organizations I belonged to, raising money for the Boys & Girls Club any chance I could. In 2016 the president of the National Association of Realtors, of which I am a member, made it his mission to keep as many Clubs open as possible, as so many were struggling across the country at that time. It was then that I knew I wanted to do more. Eventually I was approached to join the board of directors in 2019, which I happily agreed to. Serving on this board is a very rewarding experience, seeing these kids grow up, hearing them speak of their experiences as Club kids is just amazing.

What most appeals to you about BGCM and its mission?

Having been involved with the Boys & Girls Club as a member, counselor, and now board member, I value the vision this Club brings to our community. The programs and services they provide are invaluable to the kids of the neighborhoods and towns we support. These kids are our future, and many come from home environments that don’t always have a bright side. The Club gives them a place to feel safe, to learn, to grow. It provides direction, encouragement, guidance, and support through their most formative years, allowing them to become young adults that have passion, desire, dreams, and goals. It’s an amazing thing to witness these kids coming back later in life, successful, leaders in their communities, and raising families of their own.

What is a personal or professional accomplishment that you are most proud of?

Two things I am most proud of during my time so far on this Earth are one, running for public office, winning, and having the honor of representing my constituents for over a decade in Interlaken Borough where I lived for 12 years. The second would be on the professional side, when I was elected to serve as President of New Jersey Realtors, representing our 60,000 plus members across our great state in 2022. I do believe the Boys & Girls Club had a little something to do with those accomplishments.

Would you like to share anything about yourself, such as a favorite hobby or activity?

Two of my favorite things are traveling and boating. During the summer you can easily find me in the open water. Whether it’s the ocean or bay, I’ll be there hanging out with friends and family. Almost any time of the year, if someone says, “Let’s take a trip!” I respond, “Where and when?” My husband and I call Aruba our second home as we travel there every year during January and February.

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Catch Up with the Club