We spent the month of February learning about the achievements and contributions of African Americans in the fields of medicine, education, civil rights, sports, government, and science. The month’s activities culminated in a Black History Showcase, where our staff and members presented a “Living Wax Museum” of famous African-Americans leaders to friends and family.

BGCM Member posing with "Living Was Museum" exhibit for George T. Sampson

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Catch Up with the Club
  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.

  • We bid farewell to board members Ollie Jones, Bruce Fromer, Esq., and Deb Smith, and welcome new members Duane Montgomery, Christopher Decker, and Jason Bradburn, whose fresh perspectives promise to drive our organization forward.