This is Davi, one of our Asbury Park Club members! He was recently named MVP of the Week, chosen by our staff for his great attendance, positive attitude, and excellent program participation.
alyssa is 7 years old and has been a member for almost 3 years! Her favorite activity at the Club is arts and crafts, and when she grows up she wants to be an artist!
Quashawn is 12 years old and has been a member at the Asbury Park Unit for four years. He is always volunteering to help our staff when they are organizing activities.
Zyair is 12 years old and has been a member at the Red Bank Unit for 7 years. He loves playing outside, especially basketball and football.
Meet our newest board member, Deborah Smith! Deborah is an entrepreneur, author, and social media marketing and content development specialist whose talents will be an enormous asset to our organization. You can learn more about ...
Meet Aidan! When she grows up she wants to be a firefighter!
Hello! My name is Alexis Gervasini, and I joined the Boys & Girls Clubs of Monmouth County as the Program Director this past May. I am a former middle school teacher from New York City ...